Occurrence of suicides by a kid after refusal of his proposal can be a piece of film or novel. In any case, when its all said and done just few young men are seen finishing their lives in such circumstance. Comparative occurrence occurred in the life of performing artist Nita Dhungana. She as of late uncovered such a dismal occurrence, to the point that happen revamped decade back.

She feels regretful when recalling that young of Chitwan locale who conferred suicide for her. What was your important affection letter? The performing artist got to be excessively genuine when asked amid the meeting.

"A young of Chitwan used to like me a ton when I was 16-year-old. Anyhow, I dint comprehend him. That was my shortcoming," the on-screen character said while reviewing her past.  As per Nita, she had taken the kid just as a decent companion. He proposed her which was denied by the actress."it was blame on my part that is thought him just a companion," she said.

The kid had finished his live after Nita had rejected his proposal. In the recent past, dedicated suicide the kid composed a letter to the performing artist and communicated his torment. Nita feels awful recalling the occurrence even today. She has kept the affection letter sent by the kid securely. The on-screen character had as of late made open her association with Amesh Bhandari.

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