Although Keki Adhikari is well established as a music video model, there aren’t many movies she had acted. After debuting in ‘Swor’ Keki did movies like ‘I am Sorry’, ‘Masan’ and ‘Mahasush’. Keki is appreciated for her acting skills in the movies.

Keki’s next movie ‘Biteka Pal’ is scheduled to release on Poush 26 (January 10, 2013). The movie made on triangular love story features actors Abinash Gurung and Babu Bogati opposite to Keki. The direcctor Suraj Subba ‘Nalbo’ claims that the upcoming movie is one of the best movies of Keki. He also appreciated Keki’s acting skills.

‘Biteka Pal’ is produced jointly by Rajesh Ghatani and Krish Rijal. Most of the shooting of the movie was done in Darjeeling.

A promo video of the Nepali movie 'Biteka Pal' is attached below:

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