She might also have been to Nepal for a vacation, where she learned few Nepali words (anybody in a hotel in Kathmandu can teach them). And, in another occasion, she forgot how to spell Nepal and took refuge to the easier word ‘India’ for her origination. One should be a fool to believe her and consider her an Indian or a Nepali without a much better proof!Now, what proof does Kantipur has, to tell she is a Nepali? They have made it to the frontpage news (based on a sole interview of a pro) in the weekly publication without even cross checking the information.
Many websites are run by a single person, so they can’t do much research. But, media houses like Kantipur have a huge amount of people around to do extensive research before something is published. They need to cross-check every news and articles for the authenticity of the information to be published.people at Kantipur know sex sells, but they have yet to realized the importance of research and the weight of information. - Kantipur
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