There are so many forms of the women since a woman can be a daughter, a sister, a wife and ultimately a mother. Being mother is the matter of living the life and giving the next life to the younger one. So here is the video which has captured the moment a mother gives the birth to her younger one. In that case, the video is here which is titled as, "Dramatic Birth Outside Hospital."

The video is captured by a new born baby' Dad when he finds his child coming into the World but the tragedy is here that the mother delivered the baby outside the hospital. So the video is the dramatic Birth in which the mother has got too much pain as she is in labor pain and at the main time, her husband clicks her when she was pushing and delivering the baby. Kristin Dickerson, 31, from Rosenberg, Texas is the suffering woman who is delivering the baby on the way to hospital. She was two weeks overdue when she was rushed to the hospital to give the birth to her baby son. In that meantime, she delivered the baby outside the hospital and then this was the most difficult time.

The mother has to push a lot as she has screamed and she is hovered by most of the people. Her husband Troy was busy in capturing the event with his GoPro Camera. He helped his wife when she was having too much pain and so he has said his wife to push. Thus the baby born at 2:05 am just as a team of 10 nurses rushed out of the hospital to assist the family.

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